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Princeton Wholesale Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals…do not exist

Writer's picture: Princeton WholesalePrinceton Wholesale

We don't have any Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals to offer you because we don't need made-up holidays to provide you with something special! The best thing we offer – we offer all year round:

The best customer satisfaction in the business!

Sound like a random hyperbolic thing that companies just say without it being entirely true? It's not – we have the data to back it up!

Top 1% in Customer Satisfaction.

Let's start with our NPS:

A "Net Promoter Score" (NPS) is a way companies determine their customer satisfaction. All customers are asked a simple question:

How likely are you to recommend Princeton Wholesale to a friend?

Then they are given a scale of 0 to 10. Answers of 9 or 10 are considered a "promoter," and responses of 0-6 are considered a "detractor" (7 and 8 are categorized as "passive"). You subtract the number of detractors from the number of promoters to get your NPS score. So, if out of 100 people polled, you had 80 promoters and 18 detractors, you would have an NPS of 62, which would be a really great score (even though it's a failure in grade school!).

Princeton Wholesale has received a "100" five out the past seven months. (for reference – Starbucks has a 73, and they sell an addictive substance).

The Secret to Our Success

Ok – so we make mortgage borrowers extremely happy, but how?

First, we have a culture that is built around customer satisfaction. Everything we do is with the goal of giving our Broker Partners and their borrowers an effortless mortgage experience (We've even trademarked it: The Effortless Mortgage™). Second, we built a process to ensure that we know if we have failed at our goal. It is called: The Princeton Promise. If your borrower finds that their mortgage experience through us was anything less than effortless, they can elect to receive $1,000 back at closing. No strings. Finally, this commitment to an effortless mortgage and mechanism for feeling it if we fail has led to mortgage close times that are 50% faster than industry averages, according to Ellie Mae Insights.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are not needed.

With the combination of:

· a culture of customer service excellence

· a focus on efficiencies to make things easier

· a catalytic mechanism to make us feel it if any customers are unhappy

Princeton Wholesale is consistently putting up customer satisfaction numbers that are frankly unprecedented. Another way to put it: we make our customers happy, which makes our Broker Partners look fantastic.

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