It looks like Millennials aren’t just technology zombie’s scrolling through their Instagram and Snapchat timelines. Ellie Mae’s data for September showed that conventional refinances increased from 15% in August to 17% for Millennials. We also saw FHA refi’s increase 1% and an 8% uptick on VA refi’s. What does this data show us? It appears that we’re (I’m a Millennial FYI) taking advantage of refinance opportunities and paying attention to the interest rate environment. It’s easy to pin refinancing against “older” homeowners, but the truth is Millennials are beginning to show maturity in the market place. I guess it’s just phase 1 of us taking over the world…
All jokes aside… what is this data telling us? Last week I shared with you that Millennials believe in the “Human Touch” (here’s the article I shared) and now there is new data showing that we/they are making smart refinance decisions. Woah… we might be on to something to here. So, let’s think… we have rate savvy Millennial’s looking for an actual human to help them navigate through the origination process. Who’s better to serve these individuals than… YOU!? You have the rate and the industry expertise… all you need is the right Wholesale Lender to do business with (wink wink).
Anyway, I’m still in NJ and yesterday I drove an hour and half from Princeton to Pompton Plains, but as beautiful as the fall landscape was on Highway 202… still no garden’s. My search continues…